Published by Springer Verlag
Publication date: June 1996
ISBN: 3540603611 |
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Card catalog description
This book contains lectures given by leading scientists from internationally reputed centers of research and teaching who provide insight into the state of the art of scientific computing in relativity. It is split into four parts covering numerics, computer algebra, visualization, and exotic smoothness on spacetime. As well as introducing the techniques, the authors stress the importance of combining complementary methods to attack complex problems in general relativity and gravitation. Care has been taken to select lecturers who teach in a comprehensible way, so this work provides an excellent introduction to scientific computing for students who wish to specialize in relativity, gravitation, and/or astrophysics.
- Table of Contents
Color Plates 1. Numerical Relativity and Black-Hole Collisions By Edward Seidel
2. Four Lectures on Numerical Relativity By Carles Bona
3. Alternatives to Finite Difference Methods in Numerical Relativity By Pablo Laguna
4. Temporal and Spatial Foliations of Spacetimes By Heinz Herold
5. Rotating and Oscillating Neutron Stars By Heinz Herold
6. Rotating Boson Stars By Franz E. Schunck, Eckehard W. Mielke
7. Numerical Investigation of Cosmological Singularities By Beverly K. Berger
8. Overview of Computer Algebra in Relativity By David Hartley
9. Two-Loop Quantum Gravity with the Computer Algebra Program FORM By Anton E. M. van de Ven
10. The Mathematic Packages Cartan and MathTensor for Tensor Analysis By Harald H. Soleng
11. A Quadratic Curvature Lagrangian of Pawlowski and Raczka: A Finger Exercise with MathTensor By Efstratios Tsantilis, Roland A. Puntigam, Friedrich W. Hehl
12. The Program CRACK for Solving PDEs in General Relativity By Thomas Wolf
13. Algebraic Programming in the Hamiltonian Version of General Relativity By Dumitru N. Vulcanov
14. Causal Structure and Integrability in Moving Frames with Reduce By David Hartley
15. Four Lectures on Computer Graphics and Data Visualization By G. David Kerlick
16. Visualization in Curved Spacetimes. I. Visualization of Objects via Four-Dimensional Ray-Tracing By Hans-Peter Nollert, Ute Kraus, Hanns Ruder
17. Visualization in Curved Spacetimes. II. Visualization of Surfaces via Embedding By Hans-Peter Nollert, Heinz Herold
18. Exotic Smoothness on Spacetime By Carl H. Brans
List of Figures List of Tables Index
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