Project Summary

Postdoctoral Research Project PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1423

2018 - 2020

Supported by CNCS - UEFISCDI, Contract number 11/02.05.2018, within PNCDI III


The study of quantum corrections in mesoscopic systems will be performed by comparing kinetic theory and quantum field theory (QFT) results for rigidly-rotating thermal states.
On the Minkowski space, kinetic theory predicts that rigidly-rotating thermal states exhibit a speed of light surface (SOL), where co-rotating observers travel at the speed of light and the stress-energy tensor (SET) diverges. When this system is investigated using QFT, a fundamental difference is found, namely that the rigidly-rotating thermal states of the Klein-Gordon field are ill-defined everywhere due to co-rotating modes having non-vanishing energy and infinite statistical weight. On the other hand, the SET for the Dirac field is well-defined up to the SOL, where the quantum corrections become dominant.
In order to render the SET finite, the rotating system must be enclosed inside a boundary which excludes the SOL. Recent QFT results confirm that the SET is regular for both the Klein-Gordon and the Fermi-Dirac fields, but so far a kinetic theory analysis of such systems has not been performed. We propose as an objective of this project to perform a comparative study between the QFT and the kinetic theory approaches by employing numerical methods to evaluate mode sums (QFT) and the lattice Boltzmann method for solving the relativistic Boltzmann equation.
Furthermore, it is natural to consider the problem of rigidly-rotating thermal states in bounded spaces, such as the anti-de Sitter (adS) space and the Einstein Static Universe (ESU). We propose to highlight the properties of quantum corrections in such systems by comparing the results obtained by solving the relativistic Boltzmann equation, as well as the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations on these space-times.

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