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Crystal Growth

Bridgman Method - EFG Method

Bridgman Method
Bridgman Installation
Bridgman Installation
First Bridgman set-up for CaF2 crystals (1980)
Designed and projected by D. Nicoara
Patent no. 82663 / 1983
Build in the Workshop of Dep. of Physics
West University of Timisoara
First CaF2 crystal, 1981, L = 10cm, Φ = 10mm
The crucible (1) containing the desired material is lowered in a special designed temperature field (2) in order to crystalize the melt.
TS - Solidification temperature.
Bridgman equipment for crystal growth up to 1800o C
Patents no:
82663 / 1983;
85993 / 1984;
88497 / 1985.
Schematic   Section   Acta Physica Hungarica 61 (1987) 193
Crystal Research and Technology 22 (1987) 1139
Material Science and Engineering A102 (1988) L1
Longitudinal section of three types of heaters and the axial temperature distribution along them
Calcium fluoride crystals
HeatersCrucibles Furnaces and Crucibles
Scheme of the crystal growth set-up
Graphite heaters and crucibles for simultaneous crystal growth
Various graphite furnaces and crucibles used


