The energy – momentum tensor software assessment in curved space - time
Pages 106-111
G. Murariu, M. Voiculescu
Abstract. One of the most interesting predicaments which remain unsolved since the birth of General Theory of Relativity (GR), is the energy-momentum localization. All our considerations are within the Lagrange formalism of field theory. The concept of the energy-momentum tensor for gravitational interactions has a long history. To find a generally accepted expression, there have been different attempts. This paper is devoted to the investigation of the energy-momentum problem in the General Relativity theory and its space physics application. In order to cover the huge volume of computation and, bearing in mind to make a general approaching for different space-time configurations, was built a MAPLE application to succeed in studying the energy momentum tensor. In the second part of the paper were presented for two space-time configuration, the comparative results.