Volume 52 (2008)

Fourier Correlation Analysis of Drăgan Dam 3D Horizontal Movements
Pages 88-92
Traian Modog, Alin C. Teuşdea, Simona Puşcaş

Abstract. Horizontal deformations monitoring of Drăgan dam is done by physically methods (i.e. inverse pendulum) and topographically methods (i.e. optoelectronic). The existence of different conclusions drawn from these deformations reveals the correlation importance of the two deformation systems. If there is a correlation then the deformations values differences will be provided by measuring errors; if the correlation is not present then the deformations values differences will be provided by coarse errors.
This paper is intended to compare the deformations for the 3D representation of deformations: 1D for the deformations along the upstream-downstream direction, 1D for the deformations along the left-right direction, 1D for the dam height. Fourier analysis [1-3, 6] is used to generate the correlations of deformations measured by the two different methods mentioned before for all studied dam plots at the same time – i.e. dam crust.

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