Numerical Approaching to Nonlinear Flood Assessment
Pages 61-69
Gabriel Murariu, Mirela Voiculescu, Mirela Praisler
Abstract. . In our days, theoretical investigations are involved and used in a huge class of research domains. An important aim in the most such works is to obtain the mathematical model for considered system or process. The common approach is therefore to start from measurements of the behavior of the system and the external influences (inputs) and try to determine a mathematical relation between them without going into the details of what is actually happening inside the system. Accepting this way, could be investigated the climatic phenomena in a very sensible area of the Lower Danube zone where, in the past years, a series of climatic failures had been happening and the ambiance risk factors 'management is a necessity. Using a huge historical evidence data warehouse, in this way, could be considered and designed a nonlinear model for analysis of water floods' dynamics in the area. In the initial step, it was considered mathematical model building' procedures, employing neural networks' simulations in order to succeed in reaching the correlation between the upstream recorded water rains' amounts and the downstream rivers' flood levels evidences. This approach is an initial phase toward a DSS - Decision Support System, aiming the climatic risk management. In the second step, is was proposed a physics model which includes the land shape representation, Manning equation exploiting and watercourse sections' depiction, in order to obtain a good correlation with the rivers flood levels' evidences. For this stage, was used a particular GIS system in correlations with a specific computer software package which included a series of numerical evaluation methods in order to succeed in reaching a good connection with the recorded data. The aim of this paper is to present this specific approach.